AI Ethics

[Speaking By South China University Of Science And Technology] Humans Give Artificial Intelligence Ethics, And Breakthroughs In The Direction Of Biological Evolution Are The Key

[Speaking By South China University Of Science And Technology] Humans Give Artificial Intelligence Ethics, And Breakthroughs In The Direction Of Biological Evolution Are The Key

[Speaking By South China University Of Science And Technology] Humans Give Artificial Intelligence Ethics, And Breakthroughs In The Direction Of Biological Evolution Are The Key

This article is compiled and formed based on the content of my speech at the academic seminar on

This article is compiled and formed based on the content of my speech at the academic seminar on "Technology and Humanities in the Artificial Intelligence Era: Interdisciplinary Dialogue" held by Southern University of Science and Technology on May 20, 2018. The main views are as follows:

The unclear direction of biological evolution is a deep-seated reason why it is difficult for human society and the field of artificial intelligence to unify ethical norms. Since the 21st century, technology has shown an explosive trend, especially the latest progress in the Internet, brain science and artificial intelligence, which has given new insights into the research on the direction of biological evolution. Since 2008, we have evaluated the Internet brain models and AI IQ, and Research on the evolution of the brain, and propose that the evolution of population knowledge base is the key to judging the direction of biological evolution. This discusses the standards and specifications for the construction of artificial intelligence ethics.

1. Dilemma in formulating human and artificial intelligence ethics

Ethics, like intelligence, consciousness, life and the universe, is difficult to have a unified definition. Generally speaking, ethics refers to the principles and principles that should be followed when dealing with the relationship between people and people and society. It refers to a series of concepts that guide behavior, and is a philosophical thinking about moral phenomena from a conceptual perspective. It not only contains behavioral norms in handling the relationship between people, people and society, and people and nature, but also deeply contains profound truths of regulating behavior according to certain principles.

Since ethical settings are often related to culture, religion, region, values, and worldview, in the thousands of years of civilization history of mankind, we still do not have a unified, standard and clear ethical system, only some people admit it. general principles. The ethical impact brought by artificial intelligence has become more prominent due to the imperfection and controversy of ethical issues.

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For example, in the Titanic that sank after hitting an iceberg in 1912, which group of passengers on the ship gained priority for life during their escape. Become an important issue in the process of escape

"2012" is a disaster film about global destruction. The president of China and the United States lets physical scientists leave safely. When he stays, he says that "a scientist is more important than dozens of officials";

In the famous ethical thought experiment "The Selection of the Twist", the train is driving at high speed and cannot stop urgently. There is a forked rail directly in front, with 5 kidnapped people on the left and 1 kidnapped person on the right. At this time, should the switcher choose to let the train lead to the left or the right? ;

In 2017, when Boston Powered Robot was attacked by test scientists while moving the box, causing unsteady standing and falling. Internet video viewers protested, believing that the robot's rights were violated. And sparked debate in the scientific community about whether robots have their own rights.

Behind these issues are profound ethical issues. How to choose will also have an important impact and significance on the ethical construction of artificial intelligence in the future.

2. The lack of direction in biological evolution is a deep-seated reason for ethical controversy

In the mid-19th century, Darwin founded the scientific theory of biological evolution, and Darwin's theory of evolution with natural selection as the core is one of the greatest theories in the history of human science. Unify all disciplines of biology. The influence of Darwin's theory of evolution is not only limited to the field of biology, but also provides a new worldview, life view, cosmology and methodology, which has an impact on almost all scientific and humanities fields. Ethical issues including artificial intelligence will eventually be influenced by Darwin's theory.

Darwin's evolution theory There is no definite direction for the evolution of organisms. Darwin imagined the biological evolution process as a large tree that constantly grows and branches. All existing organisms are located at the top of a small branch of this tree. There is no evolutionary tree. Human beings are the top trunk, and human beings are just an ordinary branch on the evolution tree. From the perspective of Darwin's theory of evolution, humans are not more advanced than mice and ants, and humans cannot represent the direction of development of organisms.

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Darwin's theory of evolution excludes teleology (which was praised by Mayer as one of his great contributions), and Darwin argues that variation is random, using the word "nature" that is not inferior to God to explain its carefully constructed evolution. The core of the theory. However, Darwin also had his confusion and helplessness. He lamented that "this vast and incredible universe... is actually a blind opportunity or a product of inevitable feeling that it is very difficult or even incomprehensible" (2-Xie Ping. 2014. The Origin of Life ——The abandonment and innovation of evolutionary theory.)

The view that biological evolution has no direction and no distinction between high and low levels will have the following impact on human society and the construction of artificial intelligence ethics:

Because there is no direction for the evolution (evolution) of organisms, then there is no unified direction for human evolution; there is no unified direction for human evolution, then human creations, especially artificial intelligence, will not have the same evolutionary direction; because there is no unification evolution Direction: It is difficult to achieve unity and form standards for the ethics that regulate the relationship between humans, artificial intelligence and society and nature.

3. Inspiration from the progress of new technologies to the direction of biological evolution

Since the 21st century, the Internet, cloud computing, big data, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, brain-like computing, brain science and other fields have been emerging continuously. Human technology has seen another round of explosive growth. Among them, the development of brain science, the Internet and artificial intelligence provides a new perspective for finding and discovering the evolutionary direction of organisms

The evolution of biological brains over 310 million years

For hundreds of millions of years, in order to adapt to environmental changes, organisms have formed different life forms according to the principle of "sustaining natural choice and survival of the fittest". Although the expressions of organisms vary greatly, the core of organisms - the brain, does show obvious Directionality, from single cells to humans, the brain is becoming more and more complex and the level of intelligence is becoming more and more advanced.

Nobel Prize winner Australian scientist John C. mentioned in his book "The Evolution of the Brain" that "the brain of a living creature evolves from the brain of a fish to the brain of a reptile, then to the brain of a mammal, and finally to the brain of a The human brain. If we dissect the human brain, we can clearly see that the structures of fish, reptiles, and mammals are clearly distinguished in the human brain.

Artificial Intelligence Ethics Consensus

Biological diversity reflects biological diversity through natural competition and natural selection. Giraffes have longer necks, gazelle run faster, and eagles have sharper eyes, but they show direction in the brain, the most important organ of the creature (animal). In the structure of the human brain, the biological brain in the evolution process is wrapped in layers, just like the accumulation of fossils.

3.2 The formation and evolution of the Internet brain

In 2008, based on the emerging Internet brain phenomenon, Liu Feng (author of this article) and Professor Peng Geng from the University of the Academy of Sciences and others, referring to the brain architecture of neuroscience, published a paper "Trends and Rules of Internet Evolution", proposing the Internet Brain. The model is used to illustrate the latest architecture of the development of the Internet. In the following 10 years, the research team formed by Liu Feng, professors and doctors such as Peng Geng, Liu Ying, Shi Yong and other professors gradually formed a complete illustration and definition of the Internet brain; [1 ]

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The definition of the Internet brain: The Internet brain is the brain-like giant system architecture formed during the evolution of the Internet in a direction that is highly similar to the human brain. The Internet brain architecture has a constantly mature brain-like vision, auditory, somatosensory, motor nervous system, memory nervous system, central nervous system, and autonomic nervous system. The Internet brain will link various elements of society (including but not limited to people, AI systems, means of production, production tools) and various elements of nature (including but not limited to rivers, mountains, animals, plants, space) through brain-like neuron networks. ; Driven by group intelligence and artificial intelligence, the Internet brain realizes the world's awareness, judgment, decision-making, feedback and transformation through cloud reflection arcs.

The formation of the Internet-like brain-like giant system can exist as follows: After organisms evolve to the level of humans, humans will unite and evolve together through the Internet. And the result of this co-evolution is. The Internet connected to humans is highly similar in structure to the brain step by step. It continues to spread with the expansion of humans in space. If there is enough time, it can be foreseen that after a sufficient time point, the space, the brain, and the Internet will be Those will be united and evolve into the intelligent universe or the cosmic brain.

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The conclusion of Darwin's theory of evolution is deduced forward, that is, organisms have common ancestors, and through natural selection, the species of humans emerged. The joint evolution of the Internet, brain science, and artificial intelligence is deduced backward, believing that people evolve towards the intelligent universe or the cosmic brain through the technology created by themselves. The element of "human" connects the evolution of the Internet with the evolution of organisms [2].

3.3 Division and evolution of intelligent levels

In 2012, Liu Feng (author of this article) and Professor Shi Yong of the Hehe Academy of Sciences began to think about whether he could evaluate the wisdom level of the ever-evolving Internet brain. This research topic was then extended to the evaluation of the IQ level of artificial intelligence systems. Research difficulties, how to establish a model that can uniformly describe the intelligent characteristics of human life, robots, artificial intelligence systems, and Internet brain models.

In 2014, research progress was made, referring to von Neumann structure, David Wexler's human intelligence model, DIKW model system in the field of knowledge management, etc. A standard intelligent model (Agent) was established, and any agent, including AI programs, robots, humans, and Internet brain models, can be described as a comprehensive system with both input, mastery, innovation and feedback that has both knowledge. The figure below shows the extended von Neumann architecture that adds innovation and cloud storage. 【3】

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The extended von Neumann architecture has given us important inspiration for the classification of intelligence level levels, and the judgment criteria are as follows:

● Can you interact with the tester (human) in information, that is, whether there is an input/output system;

● Is there a knowledge base within the system that can store information and knowledge;

● Can the knowledge base of this system be continuously updated and grown;

● Can the knowledge base of this system be shared with other artificial intelligence systems?

● In addition to learning from the outside and updating its own knowledge base, can this system actively generate new knowledge and share it with other artificial intelligence systems?

According to the above principles, we can form the intelligent level division of 7 intelligent systems (mathematical formulas omitted)

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The highest level of artificial intelligence systems, that is, the 6th level system, is the most basic feature of the intelligent system that continuously innovates and creates the input and output capabilities of new knowledge as time moves forward and tends to infinite points. The ability to master and apply will also approach infinity. According to Christianity's definition of God, it can be seen that intelligent systems are represented by humans in sufficient time under the circumstances of continuous innovation and creation and continuous accumulation of knowledge. Intelligent systems will eventually realize the state of "omniscient and omnipotent". From this perspective, whether it is the "god" in Eastern culture or the concept of "God" in Western culture, from the perspective of the development of intelligent systems, they can be regarded as intelligent systems ( Including humans) evolutionary state at future time points [3].

If it is based on a standard intelligent model, the state of omniscient and omnipotent can be described using the following mathematical formula (I Knowledge information reception, O Knowledge information output, S, Knowledge information mastery or storage, C Knowledge information innovation and creation)

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4. Biological evolution direction - use the population knowledge base to judge evolution direction and level

Inference 1 The population knowledge base evolves toward omniscient and omnipotent

The evolution of the brain, the evolution of the Internet, and the division of intellectual hierarchies of intelligent systems all show obvious direction. Professor Nelson, pioneer of artificial intelligence, gave this definition of artificial intelligence: “Artificial intelligence is a discipline of knowledge, the science of how to represent knowledge and how to acquire and use knowledge.

For these three fields, their common point is the continuous improvement of the knowledge base and the ability to use knowledge.

Whether it is the evolution of the brain, the evolution of the Internet, the division of intelligence levels of intelligent systems, or the history of biological development, it can be seen that the improvement of knowledge and wisdom is the core of biological evolution, from the capacity of population knowledge base and the ability to use population knowledge base. Two angles determine the direction of biological evolution and the level of biological height. When it tends to infinity, it evolves to omniscient and omnipotent through the population knowledge base, thus reaching the "point of God".

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The point of God, also known as the Omega point, was proposed by the famous French evolutionary philosopher De Rijin in the first half of the 20th century in the book "Phenomenon of Man" that he wrote: Human beings are created through "union" and " ", integration, integration, unity, and condensation, from simple to complex, from low to high, from organizational structure to organizational structure enrichment, and ultimately tend to an ultimate goal. He used the ultimate goal of human evolution to represent the last Greek letter Ω, called the Omega point. That is, humans will be omniscient and omnipotent, so the Ω point is also called the "point of God".

Inference 2 Competing between species through the speed of population knowledge base development

The ability to use the knowledge base of biological populations and the expansion rate is the focus of biological evolution. The knowledge bases of other organisms have stagnated and are heading to a dead end. Therefore, there has been no further change in millions of years and are also in the life circle of the earth. Lower and lower status.

In the past 100,000 years, humans have continuously expanded and accelerated their knowledge and wisdom, and have been developed by the Internet and artificial intelligence.

Ming'er made a further huge leap, thus gaining the dominant position of the Earth's natural competition.

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5. Discuss the construction and decision-making of AI ethics from the perspective of biological evolution

5.1 Can artificial intelligence be regarded as a living body with the same authority as humans

Judging from the construction of standard intelligent models and the evolution of life, AI cannot be regarded as a living being with the same authority as humans. It shares some of the knowledge and intelligence functions of human beings, but it cannot be replaced in terms of the most important aspects of creativity and review of creative value. More importantly, AI cannot determine its evolutionary direction and evolutionary goals, nor does it have the natural driving force for correct evolution. Its evolutionary driving force comes from humans and is still a tool for humans. The confrontation between humans and AI is ultimately still humans. confrontation.

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5.2 Taking the evolution from the population knowledge base as the standard for constructing AI ethics

Judging from the previous discussion, the improvement of knowledge and wisdom is the core of biological evolution. The direction of biological evolution and the level of biological evolution are judged from the perspectives of knowledge base capacity and the ability to use population knowledge base. When it tends to infinity, it evolves to omniscient and omnipotent through the population knowledge base, thus reaching the "point of God". This shows that there is a direction and end point in the evolution of organisms. Then in the process of life evolution, those behaviors and relationships that promote and protect the development of population knowledge bases are positive ethical standards. Those behaviors and relationships that hinder and harm the development of population knowledge bases are negative ethical rules

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5.3. Discussion on the decision-making of AI ethics from the perspective of evolution

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1) For the Titanic, in case of an emergency where passenger identity cannot be judged, priority is given to women and children, who represent the future of mankind.

2) In the 2012 movie, the president chose to let scientists fly to a safe place and said that "a scientist is more important than dozens of officials", which is also based on the fact that scientists are more important to the continuation and innovation of human knowledge in the future than the president. judge.

3) In the "Switcher's Choice", can we judge which side has made great contributions to the future knowledge and wisdom of mankind? Without a third choice and being unable to judge which side contributes greatly to the future knowledge and wisdom of mankind, choosing to make more than 5 people survive should be a helpless move.

4) Boston Powered Robot was attacked by test scientists when moving the box, causing unsteady standing and falling. This does not involve the abuse of life, because we have discussed earlier that robots and AI systems are not alive yet , not a living body with equal rights with human beings.

5) The last and very important ones are also very important. In non-emergency situations, individual interests should be protected. The interests of the group cannot be infringed on individual interests. Give full play to the initiative in individual exploration should be a very important way to improve the population knowledge base.

Reference 1. The next hot topic of artificial intelligence is about why the Internet brain model should be proposed.

Reference 2 Internet Evolution Theory, 2012, Tsinghua University Press

Reference 3 How to measure the AI ​​IQ level of smart products, on the three IQs of AI

Artificial Intelligence Ethics Consensus

Academic seminar on “Technology and Humanities in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: Interdisciplinary Dialogue” held by Southern University of Science and Technology

Future Intelligent Laboratory is an inter-research institution for artificial intelligence, Internet and brain science jointly established by artificial intelligence scientists and relevant institutions of the Academy of Sciences.

The main tasks of the future intelligent laboratory include: establishing an AI intelligent system IQ evaluation system and carrying out world artificial intelligence IQ evaluation; carrying out Internet (city) cloud brain research plan, building Internet (city) cloud brain technology and enterprise map, in order to enhance enterprises, Intelligent level services in the industry and cities.

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